Emergency Nursing (E-Learning) Course
Type of Course
Comprehensive Course
Faculty Type
Specialist Doctors and Experienced Nurses
24 Hours
Terminal Objective
To develop competencies required for patient management in an emergency department
Learning Outcomes
- Resuscitate patients in a systematic method using ABCDE approach
- Acquire international algorithms in Advanced Life Support
- Interpretation of key investigations like ABG and ECG
- Manage numerous cardiac and trauma emergencies
- Understand fundamental aspects of nursing care in emergency settings
- Course suitable for Practicing Nurses
Course suitable for Student Nurses, Paramedics and Practicing Nurses
Key Topics
Systematic approach to patients - history and physical examination
Basic Life Support - CPR
Advanced Life Support in cardiac, pediatric, trauma cases
Cardioversion and defibrillation
Shock management
Disaster management
Toxicology and poisons
Team dynamics
Acute Coronary Syndrome
ABG & ECG - Basics
Pain Management
Drug Calculations
Communication skills
This course is jointly certified by